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Coma: Mortuary Ativador Download [cheat]


Updated: Nov 27, 2020

About This Game The story is about a guy who has lost meaning in his life, because of the tragic death of his girlfriend. Drunk and depressed, he got behind the wheel of his car, determined to commit suicide in the same spot where she died. Somehow he survived the accident, but fell into a coma, and his soul is now wandering the world of the dead where a new story unfolds. b4d347fde0 Title: Coma: MortuaryGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Nova Dimension, Naga EntertainmentPublisher:Naga Entertainment, Nova DimensionRelease Date: 12 May, 2014 Coma: Mortuary Ativador Download [cheat] If you want to hear a bored, off-brand Ron Swanson narrate generic dialogue about the afterlife, over VIDEO GAMES SLOWEST WALK CYCLE, then definitely check out Coma:Mortuary. If you're looking for a game where literally anything happens, maybe look elsewhere.Oh, and if you do decide to check it out, stick around for the most comedically misplaced death metal music, while you walk slower than someone can crawl.. I don't want to spam links or anything, but I think this video I made will do a good job of showing why I do not recommend this game and why I was furious that I purchased it.https:\/\/\/watch?v=nu_v54negZA. Worth the $1 I payed for it. It is a bit short and thats saying something because I don't rush. I take time to look at every crany and it could use more scare. The story is amusing enough but needs more atmosphere and better graphics. I would not recommend this for more than $5 though. It is about $0-$5 worth so about $2.50. There are other free games simular to this that offer more such as SCP Containment Breach.. For all of the things wrong with this game (the walk speed is ridiculously slow, the flashbacks are silly, the puzzles are boring and get in the way), I still think about how interesting the spaces in the game are. Cavernous atriums, abandoned but still torchlit temples, stone passages that feel both decrepit and powerful; it's a serious and successful attempt at designing a place for primeval gods, or maybe the remnants of the first great age of their progeny. The game is definitely a walking sim, and a creepy one, but it's one of those few that feels like it's doing anything right. I'd give it a 2\/2. In a genre that is still trying to figure out what it means when bare visuals are the only real important thing in the game, Coma actually already figured that part out.. I paid about 50 cents for this game but honestly this is a game that should be offered for free. Seemed like they were going for more of an experimental narrative type game than an actual horror-type game. You spend the majority of the game walking very slowly through tunnels without a real purpose except to flip the occasional lever or two. The one action scene they give you comes out of nowhere and it is extremely lack-luster.One thing I actually did like about the game was the story and I would definitely read a book about this game. Only problem is that it would be better than the actual game was...Coma earns from me a 1\/5. Please do not spend your hard-earned six dollars on this game.... very short game but coma like most atomspheric type games it does a well good job at it i found myself imersed in it and glued to the screen i jumped a few times at some spots and the design and story its really good im very keen to see the other episodes and to hopefully see if they get released gameplay 4\/10sound 8\/10design 9\/10overall 7\/10i enjoyed it even though it was short. Coma: Mortuary is an interesting concept for a game, with a rather poor execution.Story:In Coma: Mortuary you play as a man whose girlfriend died, filled with depression he decides to commit suicide in the same place she died, so he gets inside his vehicle and crashes it on purpose. But he seemingly survives the crash and is rather put into a coma from which he wakes up and wanders inside a mysterious cave. That's about it for the story, it's nothing entirely special. It doesn't really go anywhere with it's plot and also the way it wraps up a story could be considered a negative, cause the game ends on a cliffhanger. The game was intended to be a trilogy, but since the first game came out in 2014 and there's no info on a sequel , it's safe to say the story will never get a proper ending.Graphics:This is probably one of the few positives I can name about the game and that is the graphics. The caves you explore are filled with detail and some interesting environments like an abandoned library and such. It does wonders for the atmosphere of the game, which certainly creeps you out when you explore the seemingly abandoned environments.There is one negative which is a weird motion blur. When moving around the environments become blurred as if someone smeared vasaline over the lens.Audio:The audio is alright for the most part, nothing entirely special. The main character is fully voice acted and the acting is actually sort of decent. The soundtrack is also decent, giving the game plenty of atmosphere, to unsettle you and creep you out while you explore the caves.Gameplay:This is probably the biggest negative I have for the game. Coma: Mortuary is pretty much a walking simulator for it's entirety. It's really boring when you're exploring a certain location with no threat whatsoever. While the environments are interesting and pretty to look at, ultimately there's not much reason to actually to explore as there's no bonuses to do so.Also the main character moves really slowly. The shift button actually slows you down even more which is annoying as hell. So when you explore the bigger parts of the cave you notice that you reach a dead end and you have to walk back at a really slow pace which really doesn't help the game at all. Apart from the walking there are minor puzzles to solve to advance, but they are incredibly easy and will not prolong your journey by a lot, I wish the puzzles were a bit harder so there was a bit more play value, but sadly there's not much.Verdict:Coma: Mortuary is sadly a really mediocre game. While I still recommend trying out the game if you like horror games, I suggest waiting for a deep discount. There's not much play value as you can finish the entire game in under and hour and not to mention the game having a cliffhanger ending which will never get resolved. I suggest giving the game either a skip or wait till deep discount, not to mention you can get it really cheaply on sale, I think it goes down to under an euro so then it might be worth it.Final Rating:5\/10Pros:+ Amazing atmosphere+ Impressive environments Cons:- Cliffhanger ending which will not get resolved- Boring If you liked this review please consider joining https:\/\/\/groups\/completingthebacklog and https:\/\/\/groups\/ImperialReviews. In a world where horror means gore, Slenderman and inappropriate jump scares, Coma:Mortuary is the scariest game that I have played in a long while.The game uses atmosphere and sound beautifully to create a tense atmosphere, and pretty soon you feel helpless, wandering around endless corridors, enduring the terrors that appear. This is one of the few games that has appropriately used jump scares and managed to form chase scenes that go on for the perfect length of time \u2013 you don\u2019t get away too easily, but you\u2019re also not running for so long or regularly that you\u2019re bored.I have a few issues with this game, however. One of which is that you cannot run or even jog at will, which makes the game feel like it is dragging at times. Even a slightly faster walk that the player can use would help prevent this feeling of drag. Additionally, the puzzles were less \u201cuse your brain\u201d and more \u201cDoes the hand appear when I hover over this?\u201d. Finally, after the credits there is a sequence of rolling down a corridor, interlaced with scenes from the game (With added footsteps), so you feel like it might build up to something. Has the game ended? Is there another scene? No. It just loops. It doesn\u2019t build up to anything and it doesn\u2019t end, which ruined the end of the game for me when I was waiting for it to take me back to the menu screen (as most games do when they are done). So just be aware of that.But overall I did really like this game and I would recommend it.If you want to see a bit of game play to consider buying it for yourself, I have linked my playthrough of this below.https:\/\/\/playlist?list=PLcN6cXpQDyhfiwsqgcqrhn8cjoVOyNSyY


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