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Deserts Of Kharak Expedition Guide Download Exe File


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Content HOMEWORLD: DESERTS OF KHARAK EXPEDITION GUIDEThis companion application to Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak features detailed backstory and lore to the Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Operation Khadiim, the expedition to the Jaraci Object. Learn more about the people, military equipment and the planet of Kharak.Briefing Contents:Geographical and environmental overview of Kharak.Historical briefing on the kiithid (clans) of Kharak.Details of past and present military operations.Biographies of mission personnel.Interactive 3D Vehicle Manifest for Coalition and Gaalsien Forces.3D Interactive Planetary Map.Personal Journals of Chief Science Officer Rachel S’jetBonus Section: Exclusive ‘Making-of’ ContentEvolution of Blackbird Interactive: From Garage to HangarEvolution of a World: From Hardware to HomeworldGame Design Pillars: Including voice commentary from the Lead Game DesignerFilming the NIS’s and Building the AnimaticsConcept and Storyboard Galleries 7aa9394dea Title: Deserts of Kharak Expedition GuideGenre: StrategyDeveloper:Blackbird InteractivePublisher:Gearbox SoftwareRelease Date: 20 Jan, 2016 Deserts Of Kharak Expedition Guide Download Exe File Great little guide with plenty reading and extras. Its for those who wants to know more about the world of Homeworld and the development.. It's great! A little pricey, but you can get it on a saleI've looked through everything this guide has to offer, and I'm still not tired of it yet! The concept art is cool, the vehicle manifestation is amazing and the backstory is great!The one thing I would ask for is a manifestation of Soban and Khaaneph vehicles. That would make it more complete for me.This is a MUST GET!!. Wait... this is paid for now? I got this with the base game but on no account should you ever pay for this. It may as well just a website portal.\u00a35 for this?!? You are insane money grubbing loons, looking to gouge Homeworld fans.. The first Homeworld manual was like a novel in its own right. I used to love reading it.This is pretty much the same thing but in digital format and for the current generation of gamer who has a 1.2 sec attention span.I read the whole thing, pretty cool. not worth any dollar amount though. I bought the game on sale and it included the DLC packs. otherwise dont buy this on its own.. You remember how the Homeworld 1 manual was the greatest thing since sliced bread? Well, this is that for a new era.. I decided to complete my collection of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak by buying off the musical score as well as this nifty expedition guide. Now, I do know for a fact that other developers would have provided this as part of the whole package, but since we are tapped into the microtransactions system that developers nowadays employ for profit, I do not mind paying for a small sum of money for such novelty items.Some of the players might fret and disagree with me, but at the end of the day, it is all a matter of choice and if you a) like to have a complete package, and 2) can afford the meager amount, I say go and get them both.. Do not buy this, it is just for the back story for Deserts Of Kharak. This kind of crap is why I dont like many "AAA" games or game devs!!! On another note the game is fun and worth a buy if on sell, but like i said don't buy this guide its absolute garbage they charge anyone for it.. On the one hand, I have to recommend this, because it's the game's manual. That is literally what the executable calls itself. On the other hand, this shouldn't be DLC at all, let alone paid DLC, because it's the bloody manual. It should be included, at no extra cost, with purchase of the "base game", like manuals used to be.Okay. Rant over. If you have to have the complete set, go ahead and pick this up. If you don't... well, get it anyway, but hold out for at least half off.. Is it enjoyable? Yes. Is it worth the money? No. Part of my evaluation is to compare it to: A) What has been previously included for free.B) What other games are providing for free. For A, compare it to the old manuals provided for free with Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm. Aside from rotatable 3D models and behind the scenes, this DLC provides nothing more than either of those. They have roughly the same amount of text and images. Both flesh out the story to an equivalent degree. Though I find it particularly galling that LARGE CHUNKS OF TEXT ARE LIFTED FROM THE HOMEWORLD 1 MANUAL WITHOUT ANY ALTERATIONS. Compare the entire Kharkid Social Systems section to the same section in the original Homeworld manual. They are word for word identical in most places. Plagiarism from yourself is still plagiarism, ask any college professor.Now I understand that this is the 21st Century, big expansive manuals are sadly an extinct breed. Which is why I want to compare it to other games, like StarCraft 2. StarCarft 2\u2019s website provides additional lore and unit description. It contains backstory on location and includes additional short stories. It does this for free, you don\u2019t even have to own the game. So why is none of this stuff available online?What would make this thing worth it for me? A few options: 1)\tCut the price at least in half and release it on android\/IOS. If I\u2019m already sitting at the computer I might as well just play the game, putting it on mobile would let me read up while I\u2019m on the train or something. I\u2019d pay 3 bucks for behind the scenes stuff.2)\tBundle it with the soundtrack for the same price.Really the big reason I don\u2019t recommend this is that it sets a bad precedent that is ultimately detrimental to the players and developers. Putting large chunks of lore behind a pay wall means that players don\u2019t get to enjoy it and become less invested in the game series. Because the players are less invested, they\u2019ll be less likely to buy more games in the series. The original Homeworld manual was what really got me invested in the universe of Homeworld, I wouldn\u2019t be as great a fan of the series if it did not exist. I only bought this guide because I was already invested, a new player would be unlikely to buy it and become similarly invested in the future.


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