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PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack Free Download [PC]


Updated: Nov 27, 2020

About This Content Finally shotguns get some love!The Gage Shotgun Pack DLC is the ninth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds Gage's favorite shotguns to the player's weapon arsenal. Depending on what kind of ammo type you use, the shotgun pellets you fire can have armor penetration or be explosive, stunning your opponents.Three new shotguns, four new ammo types, weapon mods, four new masks, patterns and materials are also included.Key Features•Finally shotguns get some love – Versatile, powerful and easy to modify, operate and maintain. The M1014 is an auto-regulating, gas-operated semi-auto combat service shotgun. The Raven is a bullpup 12-gauge pump action shotgun. Last but not least, the Street Sweeper 12 gauge shotgun, designed for riot control and CQB.•Melee weapons when everything goes to hell – It's just you and your enemy in close combat, chaos all around you. You grab what you can and you throw it at eachother, wrestling and yelling, throwing punches that hit empty air. Gage will help you out however, with Survival Tomahawks, Utility Machetes, Telescopic Batons and Shovels.•Four new ammo types – These four ammo types are fitted into regular 12 gauge shells so they'll work with any existing shotgun in your inventory. Useful!•Four new masks – Any career criminal worth his rap sheet will tell you that it is all about first impressions, and there's only one chance to make that first impression. Make sure you send the right signals by using either Rutger the motherfucking orangutan, Clint the black-capped squirrel monkey, John the mandrill or Steven the silverback gorilla.•Four new materials and patterns – Four lovely new patterns and materials that'll make you go apeshit while heisting. Enjoy things like "the Banana" or the "Banana Peel" to name a few.•12 new achievements to unlock – Achievements, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Enjoy 12 community inspired achievements focusing on the latest shotgun additions. b4d347fde0 Title: PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun PackGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Publisher:505 GamesRelease Date: 3 Jul, 2014 PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack Free Download [PC] payday 2 gage shotgun pack achievements. payday 2 gage shotgun pack. payday 2 gage shotgun pack mods. payday 2 gage shotgun pack достижения. payday 2 gage shotgun pack. payday 2 gage shotgun pack mods. payday 2 gage shotgun pack достижения. payday 2 gage shotgun pack key. payday 2 gage shotgun pack key. payday 2 gage shotgun pack achievements The guns may be great but the fact that you can't get decent shotugns without paying more is pretty stupid.. Totally worth the money. Lots of new primary, and secondary weapons! Also, loads of melee weapons to choose from and with the new Bullet type selection, you're defintely going to want to try out all the shotguns haha.. Gage Shotgun Pack \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605NOTE: This DLC is included in both PAYDAY 2: GOTY Edition and Gage Weapon Pack BundleWeapons: All three shotguns added in the game are nice additions. The best ones are found within the base game, either by default or by joining the Payday community. Nothing about any of them really stands out - guns similar to these have made it into the base game, with minor (if any) stat changes.Ammo Types: These are what makes this DLC a great buy. 4 different ammo types for all your shotguns: 000 Buckshots: (At the moment) they add a straight damage boost to your regular shotgun ammo, with no downsides. A version of these are available to all who join the Payday 2 community on Steam.NOTE: "This ammo type is harder to find." (Locomotive and Street Sweeper) ONLY the case with the community variant. HE Rounds: Until recently, these babies were extremely overpowered. Fortunately they no longer stun dozers - but apart from that ...and charging cloakers - they're still solid. AP Slugs: The autistic little-brother of HE rounds. Your wall of pellets is reduced to a single slug which goes through armor and shields. Due to shotguns' accuracy they're not very useful. Flechette Rounds: Slightly lower damage, very long range. Until recently they weren't very useful, but no longer suffering from ammo deficiency, they can be great.Melee weapons, masks, patterns and materials: Purely cosmetic and\/or minor aspects of the game.Overall: This DLC would probably be my 2'nd pick. Way over half my hours have been spent with shotgun in hand; although simple, rolling shotguns offers a fast-paced playstyle. Simply point in general direction, fire, and watch those helmets fly were it graduation day. Apart from that one week when One Down difficulty was first implemented - shotguns have reigned superior. If Payday 2 is up your alley - get this DLC now.. -- Short overviewImportance?-Essential (If you want to run shotguns)Price\/Content ratio?-Decent--Content-WeaponsA high capacity pump action shotgun, a high capacity semi-auto and a normal semi auto.All of which are decent, expecially the raven.-AttachementsThe ammotypes are essential for anybody running shotguns.Also HE rounds.. While I recommend this dlc because supporting overkill is a good thing, this is a less than useful weapon pack. Of the weapons I don't think any of them really have a viable build, or at least one that replaces other weapons. Don't get me wrong, shotguns are great fun but these just kind of don't stand out compared to the Locomotive.The one thing that this does add is different shotgun ammo, which is where the utility of the weapon pack comes in. With different kinds of ammo the shotguns gain some amount of utility by being able to pierce shields or hit snipers. It's not really worth it, but it's cool and if you're dead set on shotguns then having more options is always a plus.Eh. I don't care for these masks but it's all personal preference.. The guns may be great but the fact that you can't get decent shotugns without paying more is pretty stupid.. One of the best DLC's in the game because of some good shotguns like Raven shotgun and of course ammo modification -flechette for distance-explosive is good against shields-buckshot for dmg


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