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Yatagarasu Attack On Cataclysm Full Crack [License]


Updated: Nov 27, 2020

About This Game StoryOn Dec 25th 1925, a Japanese nationalist revolutionary group staged a coup d’etat. The revolutionaries acted swiftly, suppressing the prime minister, police, major corporations, and newspapers. Struggling to react, the old government faction sent the order to a secret information organization ‘Igasei’ to initiate an assassination program called ‘Yatagarasu’ and eliminate the leaders of the coup d’etat.OverviewYatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm is an original, traditional-style 2D fighting game with 11 playable characters that takes heavy inspiration from Street Fighter III, focusing on delivering solid game play and high quality production values.The control mechanics are simple and readily accessible to anyone, but gameplay is based around reading your opponent, parrying and countering, and is deep enough to provide an enjoyable challenge for even seasoned fighting game veterans.Dynamic CommentaryYatagarasu AoC features a unique commentary system which provides tournament-style real-time commentary based on developments in the match. Both Japanese and English dynamic commentaries (audio and subtitles) are available and providing the English commentary are veteran commentators Jchensor, UltraDavid, and Maximilian.Other FeaturesOther features include online play with rank matches, lobby matches, online leaderboards, tournament play, Twitter integration, a fully-featured training mode, and GGPO to follow in an upcoming update.Creative Talent★ Yatagarasu AoC features 2D pixel art by KOTANI:Tomoyuki AKA Styleos (King of Fighters, Mushihimesama, Ibara), and arresting character art by Miwa Shirow (Dogs, Black Mind) and Yasuda Suzuhito (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor).★ Voice acting talent includes Kaji Yuki (Attack on Titan, Final Fantasy XIII, Genso Suikoden), Uchida Maaya (IDOLM@STER, Holy Knight), and TOUGEKI announcer Koori Masoi.★ The Yatagarasu soundtrack is created by Raito (Melty Blood, Under Night In-birth) and performed by the renowned doujin songstress LIQU@.[/list] b4d347fde0 Title: Yatagarasu Attack on CataclysmGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Yatagarasu Dev TeamPublisher:Nyu MediaRelease Date: 7 Jul, 2015 Yatagarasu Attack On Cataclysm Full Crack [License] I've had more fun with this game in a few hours than in days of SFIV (on PS3).It feels like a mix of Street Fighter: Third Strike with a little of KoF.pros:- Good, simple design that allows anyone to pick it up.- Good net-code.cons:- Not many characters to choose from (i don't really care as long as they are balanced)- low resolution (if you are expecting a hi res game, look elsewhere)This is my new main fighting game, at least until SFV releases.. This game looks rough as a robber's dog. I love it though, it really plays beautifully and its so easy to pick up and play.The sprites, while well drawn, wouldn't look out of place on a Super Nintendo.The backgrounds look like they were maid on Paintbrush. They don't even move.The menus are a bit Windows 95.The music sounds like it was made on Magix Music Maker. (It is catchy though, in that Japanese cheesy kind of way)The game is painfully derivative. Although the sprites look a lot different, the move sets ae often ripped from various Street Fighter games.None of this matters. It feels old fashioned and fresh at the same time and I like it better than ANY of the other fighting games on Steam.. Cool fighting game, quite rough around the edges but definitely worth checking out, especially for fans of Street Fighter 3rd Strike looking for a 2D fighter with a parry system. If you're looking for a polished and visually appealing menus, you will probably be disappointed, as they look rather rustic and can be unintuitive to navigate. However, if you can look past that there is a great fighting game here with very mechanical movesets and battleing.As with most fighting games I would recommend it more for multiplayer than the singleplayer aspects, as while the premise of 1920s ninjas is pretty cool, the storyline isn't particually interesting. You could have a lot of fun with netplay vsing other players. The game also has a very in depth training mode that, although a bit unintuitive, can aid a player to prepare against almost any incoming attack.The main draw of this game is the parry system from 3rd Strike. While in 3rd Strike you had to press forward as the hit connects, in Yatagarasu there are dedicated buttons for high and low parrys. This means I would say this would fit right at home with people who want to try learning a similar system to 3S and want something new with the parry system. There isn't a large variety of characters and they are quite limited and reuse sprites, for example, I'm pretty sure Jet and Jyuzumaru's pants are exactly the same and there are a few characters who are basically the same character with slightly different moves and a different haircut. Several of the characters are near rip offs of 3rd Strike characters like Jet is very similar to Dudley and Hanzo is very similar to Chun Li etc. That said there a variety of combos attack methods to perform with each character, the characters do perform differently.The pixel art is great for the characters, they are very nicely animated and look interesting, however the backgrounds are quite poor and don't mix with the character art at all, they look like they are on different planes of reality. Only the street background looked like it had any effort put into it, some literally look terrible and I cannot tell what they are supposed to be or look like.Music ranges from mediocre to really good like the opening which is great. The voice acting is good and so is the sound effects, they sound very authetic.Overall, its a good fighter that needs a bit of polish around the rough edges but is definitely worth checking out and isn't too expensive at $15 at time of writing this review.. A game with so much promise gameplay wise but the developers failed to deliver with better online offerings(GGPO ) and with none of the added characters that were promised.. Good "old-school" fighting game with some good\/memorable character designs and good gameplay.Devs abandoned it, no updates in about a year, netcode is trash and nobody plays it except like 4 guys on a discord server. Game shouldn't be more than 5$ cus that's probably how many hours you'll spend playing it.. I have mixed feelings about this game:First of all, I love the game, the mechanics are fluid and it's pretty easy to do basics and BnB, if you're a FG enthusiast like me, buy this game, it's worth the money. (I'd recommend to buy this with a heavy discount though. I'll get to this point later) That said, the game is really mediocre in some aspects.What do I mean? Well, the menus are ugly and so is the HUD, it only runs on 640x480 resolution, and above all, it's the goddamn 2015 already, c'mon, take a look at Skullgirls, the same price, but it does have plenty of resolutions and modes.The game is really lazy in this aspect, but the character sprites and art are cool (sprites aren't Blazblue tier, but are good enough for the purpose of the "classic" feel)Also, some inputs are messed up (at least on a 360 pad, diagonals are inconsistent, nothing gamebreaking, but can get annoying for half circle moves)So, do I recommend the game?: Absolutely, the game is great and fun as hellDo I recommend to buy the game?: Not now, wait for a sale, 15 USD for this game is a rip-offEdit: Netcode is actualy fine and not terrible, just be sure to set-up the delay frame between 2 and 5 and you're ready to go. It's crafted like a great 2D fighting game straight from the end of the 90s.If you like Last Blade, Garou Mark of the Wolves and Street Fighter 3.3, this game is for you.It's kind of old-fashioned, but the dynamic of the gameplay is really good. Chara design and animations are both awesome, there is real pixel art inside with hairs and clothes floating in the wind. The backgrounds are like the musics : mostly unremarquable but OK, a few are good, one or two may be great depending on your tastes.Overall, a really good game for its target public.. This game looks rough as a robber's dog. I love it though, it really plays beautifully and its so easy to pick up and play.The sprites, while well drawn, wouldn't look out of place on a Super Nintendo.The backgrounds look like they were maid on Paintbrush. They don't even move.The menus are a bit Windows 95.The music sounds like it was made on Magix Music Maker. (It is catchy though, in that Japanese cheesy kind of way)The game is painfully derivative. Although the sprites look a lot different, the move sets ae often ripped from various Street Fighter games.None of this matters. It feels old fashioned and fresh at the same time and I like it better than ANY of the other fighting games on Steam.


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